
Cancer recovery can be very complex.

Navigating everything from the physical, and environmental challenges, to the mental and mindset hurdles can often feel all-consuming and out of reach.

This is where Love Your Cancer Free Life enters the picture.

We can empower you with all the tools to do so to have the best experience in recovery.

We will empower you with knowledge, teach you tools and protocols for healing all aspects of your life and body and improve your overall quality of life.

And we start with one of the often overlooked areas of recover… the emotional connection to cancer and disease.

Cancer and The Emotional Connection

As cancer rates continue to rise, many researchers now appreciate the emotional connection related to the diagnosis.

I speak of this continually but to back me up, here are some other leaders who acknowledge the mind-body connection.

German Oncologist, Dr. G. Hamer, came to understand that brain cancer and other forms of cancer began in the mind.

Interestingly, Dr. Hamer had a very personal experience, which helped him recognize this connection.

He had tremendous emotional trauma when his young son was accidentally shot and killed.

A few months later, Dr. Hamer was diagnosed with testicular cancer.

Because of his own experience, Dr. Hamer was prompted to take a closer look at each of his cancer patients’ backgrounds and personal histories. Like him, he learned that they all had gone through some exceptionally stressful episode before developing cancer.

The mind-body connection was evident.

Additionally, Dr. Johanna Budwig encouraged healing by treating the whole person…the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. This practice successfully delivered patients to full recovery.

Back to Dr. Hamer.

He went on to analyze thousands of patient CT scans. He discovered that when a traumatic event occurs, the experience impacts a specific, predetermined area in the brain, causing a “lesion” visible on a CT scan.

Since 1981, Dr. Hamer’s findings have been tested by several renowned physicians and supported by signed documents. All documents attest to the 100% accuracy of his discoveries.

After twenty years of research and therapy with over 31,000 patients, Dr. Hamer established, logically, and empirically how traumatic events and repressed emotions lead to cancer and other diseases.

Conversely, when the conflict is resolved and addressed, the process of reversing and repairing the damage begins.

Therefore Dr. Hamer urged his patients to address the conflict using strategic emotional healing tools and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

After a few months, the patients would return for another scan, and the area of the brain that showed the conflict was gone, revealing the healing process was taking place.

So…How Do Emotions Impact Our Health?

Consider this…

Someone argues with their spouse or workmate, and the very next day, they get a pain in the neck or lower back.

Is that a coincidence? Or is this a manifestation that the body is out of harmony due to that negative interchange?

Similar scenarios that emphasize the emotional connection to cancer abound.

  • A woman has a conflict with a male (father, husband, brother, etc.) and later is diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Feelings of low self-worth have been linked to lymphatic cancer.
  • Pancreatic cancer is related to anxiety and angry conflicts with other family members.
  • Stomach cancer can result from bitter experiences and holding a grudge.
  • Colon cancer, prostate and other pelvic cancers are related to repressed anger.

It is clear that feelings of anger and resentment, alongside other negative emotions, are stored in the body and what follows is severe physical issues and ailments.

What do you do?

They found that doing just 5 minutes of emotional healing techniques for 30 days creates a very noticeable shift in your emotions and general wellbeing.

These techniques are crucial in my recovery strategy.

All of those who enroll in my coaching will receive teaching on some techniques in 1-1 sessions with full support and follow up throughout their journey


Having that awareness of how impactful our emotions are on our physical well being and the impact it has on our cancer journey, it is time to look at tumors.

What really is a tumor?

We see cancer and tumors as threats! We see cells gone rogue and attacking us randomly and with evil intent.

They really aren’t.

We need to understand that a tumor is actually there to save your life.

😱. Never thought it that way did you?

When your body is filled with toxicity, created by emotional and environmental causes, it becomes a threat to your well- being.

At weak points, where an injury has occurred, and trauma has been inflicted, your body collects all of the systemic toxicity into what Drs call a tumor.

So, if you have tumors, the body actually did work.

Now they want to do a fine needle biopsy.

But guess what happens? It begins to leak, even rupture and pours all the toxins back into the body.

And just like that “You have a very fast growing, very aggressive form of cancer.”

Now you’re pushed to add even more toxicity and cause more trauma with radical treatments and surgeries.

Next thing they announce is metastasis.

At this point, it’s safe to say that what your body was doing in defense and preservation has now been exploited to become far more than it ever should have been.

I say this often but it bears relating.

When tumors arise, it is a message for change. They are like the check oil light in the car. Tumors are asking for a change that empowers the continued healthy operation of the body.

So, in summary, emotional and environmental toxicity trigger the development of cancer. It’s a safety measure and a message for change. But, when adding toxicity and trauma, rather than creating resolution and transformation, cancer grows in proportion. More toxicity, more trauma, more cancer.

This is one reason why recurrences are so common and so much worse than the original condition.

It’s important to understand the dynamics and make choices that support rather than further break down the body.


This was all information that was very new for me to discover in my own healing journey.

In the end, and I know this is hard to hear for many, I realized that cancer is a gift. It’s an opportunity for a new and better life. And that is exactly what it became for me.

And I am here to teach you exactly what I did to embrace that opportunity and heal my life and have been able to remain cancer free for close to 30 years now!

We achieve this goal through one-on-one coaching where we discuss and work on, in detail, the following 4 pillars:


1. Mindset

We call this State Management. And it is arguably the most important part of our coaching program since so many people overlook the role that emotions and past trauma play in current dis-ease conditions. In this section we cover everything from past traumas, to self-sabotaging behaviors, conditions formed from past experiences, breaking trauma bonds, learning about the emotional connection with certain types of cancer, and getting to the root of these emotions so we can deal with them. And the idea is not to relive the experiences, but it is aimed at acknowledging the experience and the condition that was created from it, and reframing that condition so that the experience becomes more positive and the trauma aspect of it dissolves.


2. Nutrition

We follow a largely whole foods plant-based diet with a hint of Mediterranean (so we do allow fish from time to time) We believe in abundance, not restrictions, so we like to include all fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and beans. There are some pre-preparation steps we like to implement to make them more nutritionally viable. We also focus a lot on seasonal eating, where we eat according to the seasons since our bodies are designed to crave different foods during different seasons.


3. Supplements

We have an extensive supplement protocol that focuses on core supplements that have been researched specifically for their cancer-fighting abilities. We also like to combine most of these supplements in dried form into teas instead of processed supplements and also try to get as much supplemental support from food as possible.


4. Detox and Recovery

In the final section we want to focus on detoxing the body and assisting it in natural recovery strategies. Here we focus a lot on Liver and lymph detox since these are the body’s elimination and processing systems, and toxic buildup in these systems happens very easily. We also have a range of topical plasters and poultices we can add to the mix that can assist with tumor reduction, inflammation reduction, pain reduction, etc.

All of these things combine into a holistic, targeted, and focused approach to healing and recovery – and we are there every single step to guide, support, and navigate all aspects of life and this program.

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My Story in Short

Way back in 1993, I became suspiciously ill. It was out of the blue, rapid, even viscous. I was in a rapid death spiral.

Not knowing any better, scared out of my mind and surrounded by medical friends, including my spouse, I surrendered to chemotherapy.

Gosh I was TICKED off!!

When the diagnosis was made, I kicked Drs, friends, and family out of the room and locked myself in the bathroom. Screaming, cursing, crying, I was angry at life and God!

And for the following 5 years, I rode that rollercoaster. Chemo, depression, anger then recovery, remission… rinse, lather, repeat three different times.

I saw no way out.

But there was a voice inside of me that assured me that there was a way. Though I couldn’t see it, I started to cling to it. If I didn’t find it, I was dead. Plain and simple.

In torturous pain, withering away, bedridden, having lost everything, and in despair, a new day dawned.

I didn’t yet know the answer but I did have a driving force within me that was drawing me towards an experience that would bring the revelation I sought.

I realized, in the experience, that I needed, first, to make a decision of faith.

I made that decision and chose faith that I would find the answer that would allow me to live.

I had to hold onto that faith and wait another 8 months. But, I wouldn’t let go of that “knowing”.

Then, one day, unexpectedly, my life changed. The answer was delivered. And 30 days later, I was cancer-free. 26 years later, I’m still cancer-free.

Today, I want you to know that cancer isn’t a death sentence. It doesn’t demand chemo for the chance of survival. In fact, chemo offers a greater chance of dying. I’ll leave that truth there.

If you want to know how I overcame cancer, stopped being its victim, and started to thrive again, I’d love to share that journey and teach you what I learned through those challenging years.

This is a message of hope, opportunity, LIFE.

Whether you fear your risk of cancer or you’re currently facing the reality of a diagnosis, this message will inspire and empower you.

So, if you want to join me, hear my story, and discover my Divinely Revealed methods of healing, keep reading and join the Love Your Cancer Free Life course.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will I feel deprived?
    This will be a change. And yes, you may miss some of your current go-to foods. At the same time, you’ll be discovering food in a whole new way. Within about 30 days, you’ll have made the transition, the void will be filled and you’ll likely find yourself wondering why the food of the past ever tasted good in the first place.
  • What if I still want to take chemo?
    I recall a client who chose to do both… chemo and this natural strategy. As we began working together, she had already endured and suffered through many chemo treatments and an extreme surgery. What she discovered was that this program empowered her endurance of and recovery from chemo each session. Her side effects nearly vanished. But even more profound, she found joy, energy, and a renewed sense of life again. The entire journey radically transformed for her.
  • Is it expensive?
    I’ve kept the program price remarkably low, so it wouldn’t be a barrier. As for the protocol and everything required for healing, at first, it may seem expensive. It’s getting it all set up that costs the most. But, if you’re taking the coaching package, I’ll guide you on what is most important and what can be set aside for later based on budget needs and optimal results. And, once that investment is made, costs are not high. In actuality, you’ll just be trading costs and reaping many rewards. And remember, chemo, tests, scans and all the rest are the leading causes of family bankruptcy during conventional treatment.
  • Am I going to struggle to find what I need?
    No. 99% of the recommendations are readily available. They are common, natural ingredients and supplies. They may not be available at Walmart but they are available with relative ease and convenience. And again, if something isn’t available, I’ll have options to share.
  • What if my spouse or family won’t join me?
    This is common. While I strongly encourage close family to align with the process, many won’t. They haven’t experienced the same pain. And that’s ok. This is your journey, not theirs. Don’t sacrifice your health and your life to their resistance. Just ask for their support and keep going.
  • What if I can’t do everything recommended?
    There is no expectation that you can or would. We will take what is most applicable and beneficial, what is most accessible and sustainable, and work with that. The only thing I ask is that you’re truly honest about what that is. In honesty, we can succeed.
  • Will there be support?
    Yes. Especially as a coaching client. I’ll be with you to guide, support, and empower you in sessions and in between. Email, Messenger, or Signal will keep us connected for questions, adjustments, and progress.

Ready to get started?

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  • I cannot even believe how much you understand me. Thank you for sharing your gift! You use your gift in such a way that is so impactful!! And you do see me! You are (outside of a mutual friend and my siblings, and my husband) the first person I have not felt like I have to explain my childhood to…or felt ashamed of my past.

  • I have coaching with Carl Mason and would definitely recommend him. He has made such a difference to my journey. I am much calmer and more informed. Carl is very supportive. Thank you 🙏

  • Carl’s support, follow up and recommendations of strategies has been incredible. The coaching Carl offers gives you a perspective of possibility no matter how difficult some days are. My family and I are grateful for the ongoing help, thank you Carl!

  • I just began my coach sessions with Carl , and It’s been eye-opening, insightful and incredibly informative . His coaching sessions has given me so much hope towards healing emotionally , mentally and physically. So thankful for you, truly. 🙏❤️

  • I could not have asked for a better coach! Thank you Carl Mason! I am so glad we connected! Would not be where I am today without your continued support!❤️

  • ​​What a beautiful message, thank you Carl. Im so happy that you're coaching me weekly , your bespoke info for me is priceless! Thank you for your beautiful passion and your truthfulness You're always so gentle but real too! I sleep soundly, the fear and overwhelming feelings no longer control my life because of you! Thank you thank you thank you 💕


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